PAOFI Scholarship Program Annual Thanksgiving Mass for SY 2019-2020 was held last May 30, 2019 at the Mother of Divine Providence Parish presided by the Parish Priest and PAOFI Exec. Director, Fr. Bernardo Young Tae Seo, FDP.
General orientation for the scholars was conducted after the Eucharistic celebration to discuss PAOFI Scholarship Program policies, rules and regulations. It was followed by the signing of memorandum of agreement between scholars and their parents and Payatas Orione Foundation Inc.
The said event was attended by 83 Elementary scholars 98 Junior HS scholars 43 Senior HS scholars and 24 College scholars and around 200 parents with a total of 248 official scholars mange by PAOFI Scholarship Program.
We would like to thank our dear Sponsors for helping us send our deserving scholars to school for SY 2019-2020
CFC ANCOP Global Foundation Inc., FIF Foundation, Metro Stonerich Corporation, MERZ Philippines Inc, Microsourcing, Ms. Mina Tecson, Mrs. Isabel Tecson and 5L2F Association., Ms. Jocelyn Laurel, Diocese of Cheongju Youth Ministry, Mr. and Mrs. Carlos and Ma. Belina Raymond, Mr Jon and Mrs.Cecille Kasilag, Mealenium Project-Scholarship c/o Ms. Eireen Chua, TeamAsia c/o Ms. Monette Hamlin, Mrs. Emelina Almario and Teacher Ani Rosa Almario, Idriss and Jibrill Ben Jamaa and Family,KXB Real Property Leasing, Ms. Elizabeht Kroll, Ms. Carina Teresa Gemprele, Mr. William Frederick Gemperle, Saints Pagalunan, Ms. Mary Christine Yia, Mr. Paul Vincent Rodriguez, Ms. Mary Joan Rodriguez, Mr. Peter Ward, Ms. Mary Jane Huang, Mr. Jamison Martin, Ms. Marites Ingles and Amazon Group, Mr. Efren and Mrs. Lovegilda Cuasto, Mr. Ariel Arias, Ms. Beth Lim and other individual sponsors.