The 2nd PAOFI Scholars Youth Camp was held last May 15-16, 2018 at CJ Gomez Resort in Montalban Rizal with the theme of “We Pour Love;We Poor, We Love. The event was organized to show to the scholars the four loves of St. Luigi Orione. It was attended by 140 elementary to college PAOFI Scholars together with their area volunteers, PAOFI staff and facilitators from PYM (Pastoral Youth Ministry) of Mother of Divine Providence Parish headed by Teacher Tina Yuson.
The said 2-day camp activity started with four topics about the love of St. Luigi Orione and followed by various amazing games organized by PYM. The event ended with a celebration of the Holy Eucharist presided by the Executive Director of PAOFI Fr. Bernardo Young Tae Seo, FDP.
We would like to thank the education and main office staff, area volunteers and PYM facilitators for helping us organize this event. And most specially to our dear sponsors; CFC Ancop Global Foundation, Inc, Macquarie Group, Ms. Carole Monteloyola, Mr. Paul Umali and other anonymous sponsors who helped us made this event possible.Thank you very much.